Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Your Favorite Character (Spoiler Alert)

Dear Readers, in your experience of reading authors who wrote during the Elizabethan through Edwardian eras, yes, that includes Empire, Regency and Victorian, who is your favorite character, and why? Do not read on if you don't want to see certain books opened.

I closed my eyes and skimmed back for X number of years, since my first classic in 7th grade, and the character that first came to my mind, thus, to me the most memorable, was Miss Havisham from Dicken's Great Expectations. Such a strange kitten! I think she was memorable partly because she remains in her wedding gown for the rest of her life after being jilted on her wedding day, and a wedding gown is the epitome of beauty in the costume department. How could I write a character in more memorable dress? Impossible. Though she was in her fifties during the early part of the book, all artists conceptions that I have seen of her have her still fitting beautifully into this size 6ish gown with a gorgeous headpiece and long veil. How immortalizing! Then add in her waxed, skeleton-like face for contrast, and the rotting wedding cake on the wedding table at her side for the rest of her life. Though she gives me the creeps, she makes me go back to Charles Dickens for more. Sadly, I see on Wikipedia that she was likely modeled after a real life woman and not exaggerated. Someone call in a therapist!

Please let us know what is interesting about your favorite character.

I accidentally deleted some comments, so am reposting them here:
Book Buff said:

Gotta go with Mr. Darcy. I feel such a connection to him because my personality is so very much like Elizabeth and my husband is Darcy to a t (except he looks like Russell Crowe, no joke, so bonus!) Just the honest almost to a fault and a bit gruff personality is the personality of my best friend/husband so I can't help but pick him!

Lady Liz said:

Hmm... I think my favorite Character is from the Romantic period... does that count? I always get my timeline mixed up so I'm going to feel dumb if the Romantic period is not included!

But my two favorites are Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. In the novel he is not the monster you think of when you hear "Frankenstein".

Also, I really love the Character Felicity from the short story of the same name by Gustav Flaubert, but he's not English. :)

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